Sunday, 17 November 2013


但 那是一種堅強

一個人吃飯 一個人走路
對我來說 不簡單 

但人生就是要學會堅強 學會獨立

這些事 做慣了 也成了一種習慣
那天 我一個人撐傘 一個人走回家
想想 自從過了比賽那一段日子 我很少一個人回家

坎坷走多了 自然也會跟著成長
成長後 也會明白 
有些事 就是要錯過一次 才有一次彌補的機會
機會 錯過了 就沒了
那段時間 能回去 我一定還想回去
無論是多麼煎熬 但跟你們在一起 心中仍是熱的
也許我們有著不一樣的想法 但我珍惜那一切的美好 
但沒有那次錯過 也不會有我們現在的包容和成長
:) 謝謝你們 

長大後 也會遇到很多不一樣的人
我 也不一定會是一樣的我
現在的我 也許跟以後的我 並不相似

能接受現在的我 不一定能接受以後的我
那我還能用什麼信任 去相信一個現在不能接受我的人 能去接受一個以後的我
起初 我有著一個信念 

時間過了 時間走了
當初的放不下 也只能逼著自己去放下


倒了熱水的杯子 縱然也要放下
被火燙到的手 縱然也會收回來

伸出去捉著機會的手 捉到了空氣 
任憑你再怎麼努力 自己也要懂得放棄


放得開 放得下
繞一圈 也許回憶就淡了
再繞一兩圈 也許不再看重了

能玩多瘋 就玩多瘋
能受多重的傷 就受多重的傷
能跌多少 就跌多少

因為熬過了坎坷 以後的路才更容易走
我要穿著一雙高跟鞋 平穩地走在一片爛泥上
這 才是我人生的目標

能給的第二次機會 為何不給那些爭取著第一次機會的人

機會給多了 價值沒了
淚流多了 不珍貴了
挽留的話說多了 身價就沒了

每一天進步自己 不為別人 只為自己

配得上的 就會一起進步自己
配不上的 走幾步就追不上了 



Sunday, 27 October 2013


耳邊已經習慣 電話裏面你的聲音
也習慣聽見電話那頭 你溫柔的呼吸
然後慢慢閉上眼睛 感受你的氣息

我難過 也快樂
你在我身邊的時候 不懂怎麽開口

我不會太過強求 知道那是你的自由
只要你幸福 也許慢慢的清楚


#我們很成功 因為學會了很多東西 長大了不少
下一次 碰面 微笑吧。

Friday, 6 September 2013





傻笑想 愛到疼也是一種幸福 :')

Friday, 30 August 2013

As the time passes by.

I remember at first I was so reluctant to join in this small but hearty family.
I always think that I'll get ignored, no matter what.
As and time pass, I prove myself right.
Maybe I was just being an egoistic person.

For the first few months, I feel like I fitted in, finally.
But I was still afraid that I will get dropped out, someday.
After a few months, things changed.
The feeling of being pushed around, where nobody seemed to accept you, where nobody seemed to care.
Or maybe I was being the one who pushed away other people's care.

But, once again.
As the time passes, hatred and ignorant started to be kept.
What I felt, was the distance had finally started to close in.
I always wonder if it's all my imagination.
Or maybe I was being delusional.

And once again,
As the time passes by,
I felt fun and happiness.
I felt as though I fitted in, again.
As I think back the times where I chose to distant myself,
I realized that it was always my fault.
I was being overprotective to myself.
Mother Teresa once said,

"We have to give until it hurts. We need to give from the resources we would like to keep for ourselves. We need to give to the point of sacrificing. We must give something that we find hard to give up. And there is where we will find a new something we will hold dearly to ourselves."

I really did not intend on believing in this quote.

But when I actually sit down calmly and think,
I realized that someone, no matter who,
Will have to learn how to forgive and forget.
And that is where another might accept your mistakes.

It hurts a lot.

Being ignored and left aside. 
But as what Mother Teresa said.
I guess it's right.
It's life. Some people's life aren't as easy as it seems like.
That's when I learnt that when I was facing problems myself, others are facing their own too.
It's not easy to step into other's shoes and think from their perception.
But I was finally getting a hand on it.

And now, 

I had just look back to all the pictures we took.
And I truly regret, that I haven't had a lot of pictures with them. 
And with this family, 
I stayed for a year.
And when I reminisce back the memories we had,
This wasn't a long year to begin with.
So many activities we had together,
So many times we spent together,
So many laughter we shared together,
So many tears we shed together.

I understand now.

It's not that easy to have such a supporting "family" in anyone's high school life.
And no matter how many times you want to give up,
Thinking about them is enough.

The part where my regrets lay is where I didn't appreciate having a few girls in my life.
Despite having tough times, they were still there.
No matter what, having them in my high school life was still a part of my life.
And a fantastic one it is.
And no matter what arguments we had, I will still remember them.
And no matter what happens in the future, 
They were still my teammates, my classmates, and also my family. 

Sunday, 16 June 2013

I wonder when

I wonder when did I started to care again.
I thought I really tossed back all those care and feelings.
Maybe I have the wrong perception just because we've been spending a little bit more time together.

Was that feeling just my imagination
Or was it just me, thinking too much, being too naive.

I was shocked.
I didn't know things were this bad.
Maybe it's just misunderstandings.

Maybe one day things will sort out.
When everyone learns to be mature.
When everyone is able to think clearly and make judgement accordingly.

I hope that day will happen before I just collapse,
And decides to give up on everything I hold tight and dear to.

Monday, 6 May 2013


喜不喜歡 習不習慣 我總說不出個答案。
往前一步 我會摔跤 往後一步 我會跌倒。
想挽回卻挽回不了 只有一方努力 那我該怎樣。

這樣很不好受 我總對自己說


本來好好 怎麽忽然這樣
我這樣好對不起自己 又讓自己不開心了

啊 好煩。

我好想笑你 怎麽那麽笨蛋
可是怎麽想笑 卻笑不出
對不起 又讓你煩心了

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

O.O Surgery

Now I know,
the name of my so called "sickness"
Is Acute Appendicitis.
Nice name.

Especially the acute in front. As if everything's so serious.
Owh. It is.
And yeah,
I was hospitalized on 22nd of April, Monday.

A nurse came in asking me to change into the surgery robe.
It's nice, that robe.
Checked skirt in red. :)
Not bad. I love checked clothes.
And so I'm lying on the bed. Being pushed by two nurse with mummy walking beside me.
All the way down to the surgery room.
And I was asked to lie down there for more than half an hour I guess.

The anesthetic doctor came.
Telling me the side effect after I'm put off to sleep.
Mmhmm, everything seem so easy that time.
After that, he sprayed some stuff onto my hand.
It's COLD. Super cold. I can't even feel my fingers.
And so he jabbed something into the middle of my hand.
Yeah. I don't really feel anything.

Not long later,
I'm finally brought into the surgery room.
Okay, it's exactly what we see in the movies.
Many green shirt human walking around, only showing their eyes.
And then there's this light on the ceiling, the one where doctors shine right on top of the place you're going to be cut.

And they tied both of my arms. Not really tie, but I can't really move my arms around.
And suddenly there's this pain coming from my right hand. Yeahhhhh
They're putting in the anesthetic now.
And I heard one nurse doing some report..
Urm.. Something bout the time, the surgery name, doctor involved and nurses involved.

After that, I start hearing voice. People talking.
Then I feel this pain. From my tummy. T^T
But I can't open my eyes.
I keep wiggling around, moving my head.
Then someone came over, telling me that the surgery is over.
I was like, " WHAT "
Okay. Fine. I don't remember anything.
After that I went back to my room. I can see :目

The worst night ever.
T^T Pain nauseous vomiting.
The next day, I feel better.
But it hurts everytime I laugh.
Friends visited me.
YihTong, Brandon, Hanson, Kah Lok, Yi Heng, and Turkey.
A nice heart to heart talk.

And the next day I'm back home.
That's all for my story.
A nice yet painful experience.
And I won't do a surgery again.
Unless it can't be helped.

Thursday, 14 March 2013


忽然才发现 原来自己真的很在乎
心累了 什么也撑不了
就静静地抽泣 原来很幸苦
就算流泪 不让别人知道自己什么时候最脆弱
信息依然要回 帖子依然要复 笑脸依然要放

至少习惯了 就不会流泪了


我始终把你放在前面 就算多不喜欢 也残忍不到

不像你那样 不需要迟疑也能做出那么残酷的事

但是 谢谢你的残酷
让我流泪 让我知道我的努力白费




就连最能逗我笑的人 说的话


Sunday, 10 March 2013

ღ Changes.

总是觉得这个改变后 好像变得更惨了


鼓励的话 总算能让我前进那么一点点
我答应自己 就算跌得多伤 也要勇敢爬起来

这世界 总算能容纳小小的我
吸取每一个教训 每一个劝告 珍惜每一分钟

我是真的想太多了吗 :(

Saturday, 2 March 2013

A sudden urge

A sudden urge to eat Ice cream.
Even though I'm cold and hungry. :/
Listened to so many songs just now.
And now I feel somehow more contented. :)

I went to look back at pictures,
Those that brought back lots of memories.
While listening to Mayday's singing and of course another person's one.
Sounds like he enjoyed himself loads.
And I found a few pictures I really love.
I guess I'll post a few of them. 


I really hope I can always smile like this, like an idiot that didn't know what the world meant.
And I find it so hard to go back to the days that I lived like this.
Everything's so blurry and it's like I'm having a flashback of everything, at once.
For now, I might not have enough confidence 
But I will find it. No matter what the decisions are, I'm ready.

Come On! And charge right into me.
I'll be an egg that'll never fall.
Hopefully, with my small legs. *MUAHAHA*
I'm just being sarcastic, never mind me. :目

Friday, 1 March 2013

ღ 感恩的心

其实 我没有想过自己做的一切会有人看见
我就是想时间快点过 问题快点解决

哭过了 才知道泪是咸的
痛过了 才知道心会痛的
伤过了 才知道坚持是需要的

无论今后决定是什么 在这短短的时间

:) 怎样都好谢谢你们的存在。

Saturday, 16 February 2013

ღ Depression : To Hell With It.

I really don't understand why I chose depression as the topic of my oral test.
Maybe because I remembered the two friends who brought me back from it.
Maybe I once went through it and I learnt how to be optimistic.
Not wanting to remember those past.
But I think that it's time to reflect and of course,
To put all effort in this topic.

I searched for quite a lot of information.
And I guess verbal abusing that causes depression will do.
Because that was the main reason I went through depression.
But my kind of depression was just minor.

I never did much to hurt myself.
And I did not hurt others.
I just went through slight depression and felt that I was useless.
That's all. I don't feel like talking, I get mad at people all the times.
I vent my anger at non-living things, I cry into my pillow.
Then I met friends who takes me for who I am.

The ones who control me just enough for me to calm down
And not go over the borders.
I never knew my limits last time.
It was them, who stayed by me.
We argue we fight we talk we cry together.
We're there for each other.
We call up each other even in midnight just to make sure they are okay.
We cry over small and big matters
We trust each other a lot, so much that when we see each other,
There's always tears.
Trust. That's why there's tears.
Because that's when you feel so secure and tears can just flow so naturally.

I love them. And without them telling, I know they love me.
And that's just all I need.

And I wrote a poem while thinking of them, and also the verbal abuse I went through which I can't handle.
They're not bloggers but they visit occasionally.
I do hope they sees this.
I love both of you, a lot.
So much that I can't describe. :)

And so, here's the poem.
" A Glimpse Of Hope"

A side you can't see,
Is one's most hurting side,
Not knowing what's hurtful,
There you go, mocking someone.

A person not being cared,
Tears rolling down the cheeks,
A rip, a gash, a blood dripping heart,
Expressions expressed in that muffled cry.

Hate is a game that cheats,
Depression is a torture that destroys,
Happiness is a fruit beared yourself,
Confidence is a self-esteem to fight depression.

So how do you get from here to there?
Well, you must first believe you can,
There's always a glimpse of hope,
But it's your life and it's in your hands.

Take small steps and before you know it you're there,
You'll be standing tall, telling people you're no longer scared,
You'll tell people to stop verbal abusing,
And all you need is a few supportive friends, and your own optimistic heart.

在我喘不过气的那瞬间 是你们陪伴着我
你们仍然记得 还给予我鼓励

符慧芳  吴佩琳

Friday, 1 February 2013


因为早放。 :)

饱饱的肚子也让脑袋进入半醒状态  眼皮也渐渐沉重
我在学校的凉亭躺了2 0 分钟。

2 0 分钟都在仰望那蓝蓝的天空
我就这样在自己的世界过了很美好的2 0 分钟。

自己拥有的异常的多 只怪自己当初不懂得耐苦  不懂得说服别人 不懂得用心去想
贪玩 也能带来很多的后果
当初我想 人生嘛 怎么把自己累得要生要死 人生活来就是吃喝玩乐和自己疼爱的朋友和人快乐的享受生活。

现在我想 人生嘛 怎么都会有上上下下左左右右 这要看自己的坚持能带自己到哪里 和有谁能和自己渡过这短短的人生。

尽情享受 却不忘珍惜自己能够拥有的东西。
我让很多很美好的东西溜过 现在也后悔自己曾不牢牢捉住的东西
但是 过去的就让他过去吧

好多好多对我来说很重要的人 进出我的生活
我为了对我来说很重要的东西  一个大家庭   失去了一个很好很好的朋友。
伤心过 才知道 这根本不应该是失去他的原因。
一方太忙抽不出时间 一方无法忍受没被注意的日子

因为自己明确知道 捉住了一个对我来说很重要的东西 就无法照料到所有人的感受
之前很懊恼很讨厌 因为我曾是那个不被注意的人

:') 我不能确定别人能够原谅我 但是我能够理解不被原谅的原因了
不需要生气也不需要懊恼 这段时间好好相处

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Confidence And Depression.

It's just sometimes I feel like I am so weird.
Being confident is in my nature.
I'm confident in things I'm doing,
But nowadays,
It just seems like it's different somehow.

And I really wonder where is the old me.
Maybe it's time I learn more from people,
And keep my flaws with me.
Waiting for the day I'll be flawless.

I can't see the radiant sun shining in my room.
It's raining in the morning.
Now I know why is it so comfy. :)

I love rain.
The cooling touch of the rain,
Just sweeps away some of my thoughts.
And there I am,
Thinking too much again.

Being confident.
I guess it's a good thing.
But being overconfident ain't a good thing to do.
So now,
I'll try to restrain myself.
Watch me grow, watch me improve.

Hmm.. Nowadays I'm kinda into blogging again. 
It's just a place where I dump my frustration and misery into.
Using words to replace thoughts,
Changing thoughts into words.
Not like there'll be people reading though. 
I barely see my own blog.
I just update update then I'm off.

There's so much homework I worry I'll die doing them.
So yeah,
I'm off. 

Friday, 11 January 2013

Someone to talk every night. :')

Somehow I'm just grateful I can be myself in front this person.
Saying what I want, saying out my mind.
And of course, being somehow rude but in a funny way of rude.

Sometimes I think it's just so not worth it for that person to this thing to me
I'm not worth it you know.
That's what I told that person.
But nothing's changed.

But I'm just still being cautious
Afraid of saying something wrong.
I'm afraid. Of what people see in me.
But I'm better now. It was worse.
But there's still some barrier I put upon myself
Somehow leaving a little gap.
A barrier which somehow couldn't be penetrate.

I hope you won't be so caring towards me,
Don't worry about me.
I'll be just fine, really.
It's really not worth all the trouble to you.

I'm just afraid I'll rely on a person too much
And lose a little bit of myself.
And that's what I'm trying not to do with so much thing happening around me.

Sometimes, I wonder
Who am I? How am I?
I actually forgot.
But people change.
I changed. And I know it.
But I still wonder.
How was the me last time?

I'm trying to change, to a better me.
But I'm progressing, little by little. :)
And of yeah,
Don't worry about me.
I'm strong, or, I'll just try to be strong.
My looks are safe,
So I guess no harm will come upon me.


Tuesday, 1 January 2013

ღ Rewinding back to 2012 ღ

Gosh I'm so so so so sorry that I neglected the blog for soo long.
*Dust everywhere*

:) I should be posting bout year 2013 but..
I'm back to 19th December 2012
Yes, PMR results are out.

And I really am surprised.
Can't believe I got straight A's for PMR.
I was sooo sure that I would not get an A for chinese.
But yeah, who knows,
Either I am lucky, or the examiner was dead careless. ;目

And of course,
the last of PMR was celebrated with my wives,
and yeah,
the day where results are out also is celebrated with my wives.

We were like so high,
And I was the first to take my results. :)
I called up my mum and started crying.
I didn't think at all, that I will cry.
But when my mum congratulated me I just feel touched.
She never ever ever congratulated me on my exams.
It's just the "You can still improve" and "Why didn't get A" that I always hear.
But now, it's over.

So back to topic.
And of course they were late. =3=
And I went to Viva to take lunch with my two besties, ChiTeng and YihTong.
I love them too.
After that only we met up.
And this is the most memorable picture we took. xD
Same school bag for year 2013. YOSHHHHH